This year I am on a mission to be more crafty. I know I do a lot of sewing and crocheting but I don't do a whole lot of crafty projects. My ultimate goal is to make a few batches of those fancy whipped bar soaps. I'd love to keep some and give a few away as gifts! So I decided to dip my toes into the soap world with a super easy project, turning a bar of soap into liquid hand soap!
In our household, we go through liquid hand soap fairly quickly. I've heard of people turning a bar of solid soap into roughly a gallon of liquid hand soap and decided to do some searching. I sorted through several recipes and decided to experiment with my own mix. There are lots and lots of different formulas online, I just mixed and matched and adjusted ratios according to the size of the bar of soap I had on hand.
I used:
1 bar of 3.8oz. soap (roughly 2 cups of grated soap flakes)
20 cups of water
2 tbsp. Glycerin (available in your local drugstore, usually in the first aid section)
Cheese grater
Measuring cup
Large pot
Grate the soap using the smaller sized grater. It will end up in flakes and powder and a 3.8oz bar will yield about 2 cups.
Measure and pour 20 cups of water into the pot and add the soap flakes.
Add the 2 tbsp. of Glycerin to the mix and stir.
Heat the mix on low to medium heat and continue to stir until the flakes melt.
Remove from heat and allow to cool. I let mine sit over night.
It was a little thick the next morning so I used my hand mixer to sir it up and I added a little bit of water. I kept adding until it was the consistency of liquid soap.
And here's the finished product! I washed a re-used some empty containers I had.
I have used the soap several times and it seems to work just fine. It feels a different compared to liquid soap and isn't foamy. I have heard that some bar-to-liquid soaps can mold when left too long so the general estimation I found for usage time was about a month. I'll update this post in a month's time to let you all know how my soap fared. :)